This is the testimony of a Malaysian/Indian woman called Fatima living in Singapore. Her heritage is that of an Islamic priesthood. Her great grandfather, grandfather, and father were all Imams. Her brother is currently serving as an Iman as well. When Fatima’s younger brother finally was of age, her older sister responsibility demands where reduced and she desired to travel the world.
But then Fatima developed Osteoporosis, Rhumathoid Arthritis and Leukemia at a young age in her 30s. As a Muslim, she would have to accept this reality, and prepare to die. She knew she couldn't come close to Allah. It was hard to accept this death sentence that came upon her.
For some strange reason, Fatima started thinking of an Anglican lady that she had met before. The Anglican lady always included God in her talk. And this annoyed her, but yet she respected her a lot for doing so. But they hadn't talked for years. In the most unexpected way, the same Anglican lady she was suddenly thinking of, decided to call her out of the blue after not talking for a couple of years. They decided to meet up.
All Fatima wanted to talk about was how she was diagnosed with multiple illnesses and that she was dying. Fatima asked for prayer and her friend obliged. To Fatima’s surprise, her Anglican friend said: "Father, your daughter has come home. Please help her to come home completely in every way. In Jesus name, Amen." Fatima was shocked at the short length of her prayer. She was thinking 'this is not just a headache, I'm actually dying here!'
The next morning, she had a few doctor appointments. After completing all the required tests, she was asked to repeat all the tests in that same day in the afternoon. They were shocked at the results. Her scans looked perfect. The doctors questioned Fatima, asking her what medicine she took and what other doctors she had seen. But she hadn’t done anything new or different. Fatima then realized that her Anglican friend’s prayers healed her. Fatima was so excited. This is the God that could heal her. But she was still testing this God for 10 days with family members. She remembered she had a Bible and started reading it.
Because God answered her every time, she finally couldn't continue being a Muslim, and decided to follow Christ. So she talked to God about Paul in Acts 9. She needed to see Jesus like Paul saw Jesus. Suddenly, the room was flooded with light. Then she heard a loud voice quoting John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” That revealed to her that Jesus was indeed God. She then saw Jesus before her and she was speechless. Jesus reminded her of the time He saved her from suicide as a 12 year old girl that was about to jump into a flooded building. Jesus even reminded her of another time when she wanted to suicide jumping off a building. Fatima then went on her knees and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.
When Fatima met her mother, her mother noticed a change in her. Her mother took out a knife looking for one of them to die. During this dangerous struggle, Fatima called on to Jesus. Suddenly, her mother fainted. This gave Fatima a chance to pack her belongings and leave. Fatima has since suffered great persecution, largely because of her Islamic priesthood family background. She instantly lost her family, community, friends and even her job. It was as if she was declared dead in a single day. Listen to her amazing journey overflowing with miracles from God!
Yalda was born in the 1980s in Afghanistan, when the nation was under strict Islamic control. Her family crossed the border to Pakistan by foot, and stayed there for a year and a half. They were afraid even of going to the hospital because they were refugees without documentation. Yalda’s mother saw the need to deliver her brother by herself in an apartment. Yalda had a very difficult upbringing. Eventually, her family made it to New York, because they were sponsored by a Christian family. They did their best making ends due as translators. Even though they were living in the US, they did their best to keep their Islamic tradition and beliefs.
Yalda closely followed the teachings of a mystical Sufi poet called Rumi, whom dedicated his life to look for Allah. It had never even cross Yalda's mind to leave Islam. She knew that in Islam’s teachings, if you deny three times to come return to Islam, you would be killed. Yalda was interested in attending church, but even suggesting to go to church would get her punished.
When Yalda moved out, she stopped praying and fasting. She got married, but eventually got divorced. Then she remarried again. Yalda never hated God, even though she was raped and had a very rough upbringing. But Yalda thought God hated her because of all the trauma she went through in her life. At the time, an extremist suggested her to die in Jihad, but Yalda didn't think that killing people was the right path either.
Yalda fell into depression and planned to commit suicide after her husband left to go to work. But for some unexplained reason, her husband came home early that day and it prevented the unthinkable. For the first time she cursed God because she felt God didn’t let her end her life. Later on she felt wrong about cursing God, and apologized to Him. She hadn't eaten for 3 days, but finally her husband was able to convince her to go eat. At the parking lot, her husband asked her to pray to God for a sign. She did pray accordingly, but as she was ready to leave, Yalda saw the reflection of something shiny on the floor. She got down and picked up a shiny gold cross. She suddenly felt as if the world stopped and light surrounded her. All Yalda could say was 'I knew it was you, thank you Jesus'. She was immediately in tears. Her husband saw the cross and started to tear as well. Yalda was seeking God, and Jesus answered.
Yalda had a friend called Erika whom she knew was a lesbian. Interestingly, Yalda saw that Erika’s new webpage said she was now a follower of Jesus. Yalda decided to reach out to her friend Erika, and she shared about Jesus with her. Yalda learned to repent from her sins and got baptized. Watch her touching testimony here.
This is the story of a former Bengali Sunni Muslim, Jahir. He developed a very fluent speech in Arabic by going to the Mosque for 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. Jahir excelled at reciting competition. He thought that by memorizing the entire Qur'an, he would gain enough favour from Allah to take his parents to heaven. Jahir was so devoted that even his own parents asked him to scale back in his Qur'anic reading, in favor of career studies.
When he was in university, Jahir started to meet other Muslims from other countries. On the night of Eid, Jahir wanted to celebrate with his new Muslim friends, thinking they would go to watch a movie. His friends surprisingly led him to the doors of a strip club. He was shocked by the immorality of his friends and left them, desiring purity for his Allah. Jahir was living a life focused in proselytizing Islam.
One day Jahir started to get attracted to a girl. One thing led to another and he fell into sexual sin. He regret the sin and kept asking for forgiveness, but there was no perceivable change in his life because he continued to live in sin.
Jahir was working part time during this stage of his life. His Sri Lankan manager left the job and Jahir was very sad he did. But sometime later, they met again. And this ex-manager of his told him the news that he had decided to follow Jesus. Jahir was beyond himself, thinking that this man whom he liked and respected, had been deceived. Jahir was passionately trying to convert him to Islam and asked him to come to his house to show him the Qur'an. The manager agreed to hear Jahir and he shared the gospel with Jahir there.
Jahir told him everything about Jesus in the Qur'an's point of view. His ex-manager had a very simple question for Jahir, 'Have you sinned?' Jahir was naturally taken back. Jahir learned that God actually loved him, something he never heard before. The relational God that Jahir heard about was incredible, yet foreign. Because Jahir couldn't stand hearing about this anymore, Jahir asked him to leave. But right after, Jahir did some self-reflection and acknowledged that he didn’t have what his ex-manager had.
Jahir was then invited to church, a place he had never gone to. He agreed to go. When he walked in, he felt the presence of God and saw people being healed in the name of Jesus. For some reason, Jahir said the name of Jesus and he had unexplainable tears in his eyes. He was asked to go again. The pastor called for people to accept Jesus, and Jahir looked for the exit instead. Jahir was invited one more time, and he got annoyed and even blocked his ex-manager from contacting him over the phone.
A few months later, he saw him walking in front of him. Jahir was invited to attend a bible study group. There, he witnessed a lady with foot problems being miraculously healed. Jahir himself acknowledged that he was experiencing an excruciating tooth pain. The group also prayed for him, and Jahir felt his pain somehow melt away.
One day his parents found out about the girl. When his father was told about this, he left work immediately to confront Jahir. His father gave him an ultimatum. Jahir had nowhere to go. His Muslim friends offered him no help. He decided to call his Christian friend, and he who offered to pray for him. Jahir then asked God to give him a dream and help him. And he got it. In the dream, Jahir cried for help as he felt paralyzed. Then he heard a voice that said 'Your family will forsake you, but I will never do. I am Jesus.' He then woke up from the dream and somehow was completely blind, unable to see a thing. Later on, he sensed a supernatural power come to him and opened his eyes. He was suddenly able to see again. All these experiences finally led Jahir to give his life to Jesus. All the demons he had heard telling him he would go to hell left him. He was new and born again.
Listen to his amazing testimony here (1.5 hour long).
Eddie Swieson was born in the Dutch East Indies (a group of islands off the coast of Southeast Asia in the Indian and Pacific Oceans). When he was an infant, he was extremely sick and there was little chance that he would survive. Eddie’s parents had given up hope and simply wrapped him in cloths and was left in the kitchen floor to die. That night his then childless aunt came to visit and noticed something that sounded like a little kitten struggling to get out. Her aunt found Eddie by the kitchen floor and rushed him to the nearest clinic. When she got there, a doctor that just came from the Netherlands promised her that he would do his best to not let Eddie, his first patient in that country, die under his care. So after a long 100 day period at the clinic, his aunt was finally allowed to take Eddie home.
Eddie's grandmother had a severe illness that put her in a coma. Eddie's grandfather had given up hope and was already preparing for his wife’s funeral arrangements following the Buddhist tradition. But one of Eddie's uncles told his classmate he would not be attending school because of his ailing mother then. This prompted a classmate to ask for his church elder to go to pray for Eddie's grandmother to be restored by Jesus. It was then that his grandmother later woke up and the first thing she asked was 'Did you see the man wearing a beautiful white robe?' She was somehow miraculously restored fully. Eddie's grandfather became a Christian because of this incident and even built three churches. His aunt also ended up believing in Jesus after the miraculous healing incident as well.
One day, Eddie was meditating upon Jesus' miracles. It was then that he saw a vision that was clearly not a dream nor a hallucination. In that vision, he saw a man robbed in white telling Eddie to follow Him. Eddie then decided to attend Bible College following high school. Eddie met his wife and graduated with a divinity degree. Eddie has since been serving the Lord in several countries. Watch Eddie's amazing testimony here!
Japanese saved!
Yasuko is from Japan and grew up in a family that followed Buddhist traditions, where ancestors and many other gods were worshipped. Yasuko was introduced to the Bible one day. She originally wanted to accept Jesus as one of many gods, but not as the only true God. When she understood the exclusivity of Jesus, she agreed to be led in prayer to accept Jesus into her heart. Immediately as she prayed, she had a vision of faces of the many idols that she worshipped. A bright light was shining at a distance, which turned out to be Jesus. The friendly idol faces she had worshipped suddenly turned demonic and started to scream and choked Yasuko. During this spiritual fight where Yasuko was becoming unconscious, her friends were praying and fasting to fight against those demons. When Yasuko woke up, she felt relieved.
Following this experience, her heart was to share the gospel in Japan. During this time, her mother developed pancreatic cancer. And at her last stage, as Yasuko was pouring the love of Jesus over her. Two days before her mother passed away, she finally accepted Jesus. Similarly her two grandmothers also accepted Jesus just before they passed away. Even her dad accepted Jesus as his Saviour too!
She shares that being the first Christian in a household can be very difficult. But she encourages such believers that through prayer, one can see God do amazing things beyond understanding.
Listen to Yasuko's inspiring story, and how Jesus worked not only through her, but also her whole family!
Kyrgyz man is saved!
Speaker's Corner is a well-known historical spot in London. People from all over the world living in England go there to share their personal views and opinions. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of people end up shouting at each because of their respective conflictive viewpoints.
This is a short nine minute testimony from a man from Kyrgyzstan, who grew up as a Sunni Muslim. The words from the Bible John 14:6 and Isaiah 9:6 greatly impacted him. Isaiah 9:6 says that a child is born, a son is given who will be called wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father and prince of peace. And that prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one can go to the Father except through Him.
As he sook God, he eagerly prayed and asked for the truth to be shown to him. Was the Islamic prophet Muhammad truly the last prophet? Or was Jesus the Son of God, something that Islam doesn’t believe is true? During his search, he received a vision of Jesus. In that vision, Jesus told him, "I am your High Priest". From that point on, this Kyrgyz man decided to follow Jesus. When he shared his faith to his family, his older brothers took him to the Imam and got beat up. Despite the persecution he has faced, this Kyrgyz man is determined to continue to love people because Jesus said in Matthew 5:44 to love your enemies. Despite the fact that people at Speaker's Corner insult him and calls him a liar, it is his desire to show love to them. This Kyrgyz man has a clear understanding of what the cost of leaving Islam is. He knows that Islam teaches the penalty of death for apostasy. But he chose Jesus because he knows what is true. Enjoy watching his testimony.
Albanian woman believes in Jesus!
Sara starts her story on how as a teenager, she was unwillingly forced into an arranged marriage. The relationship was toxic and abusive because her husband justified all his actions by their own religious beliefs according to Islam. Sara finally found the courage to leave her husband and then, together with her daughters, immigrated to Canada to have a new life.
She got married to a better man in Canada and had a son with him. Yet that relationship didn't end up working out and it threw her deep into depression.
During this low point in her life, Sara received a dream. The dream started as a nightmare, with people screaming as they were being tortured by a creature that had an evil, reptilian appearance. Then suddenly, a bright light figure came that made that all disappear. Sara somehow knew the bright light was Jesus, although she had no real knowledge of who Jesus really was. And Jesus, knowing her thoughts, confirmed and told Sara the He indeed was Jesus. Then Jesus gave her a hug that made Sara sense a love feeling that had no equal.
This journey led Sara to seeing later a miracle where her fever was instantly healed by someone who prayed and told her that Jesus loved her. Sara looked for details about Jesus in Islam because she was a Muslim, but she found nothing that was helpful. Then she researched Jesus from listening to Muslim/Christian debates, and reading the Bible. She noticed a pattern in that many of the Muslim claims where actually dishonest in nature. The truth spoke to her and because of that, Sara ended up accepting Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.
Following this decision, her own brother disowned her which created a lot of sadness in her life. She watched a video of a street pastor and couldn’t believe that he got arrested for simply telling people that Jesus loved them. She wanted to know the truth, and Jesus gave her a vision. The same light figure appeared again beside her with a light so bright she couldn't even look at it. Was this God? Watch the video and find out!
From Jihadist to Jesus!
David is an ex-Muslim from Afghanistan, and more than that, he used to be a terrorist. Earlier in his life, his biggest wish was to kill a Jew and go to Heaven. There was an emptiness in his heart, so he dedicated his life to pursue filling up that void.
He studied martial arts and became a grandmaster in Kung Fu. But that didn't satisfy him as he hope it would. He then decided to go deep into Islam, but he unexpectedly found out that that didn’t satisfy him either. He wanted to go to Syria to become a terrorist and engage in holy war, but the door unexpectedly got closed before him.
Because of his hatred for Christians in alignment to teachings of Islam, he went to Sweden with the purpose of learning the Bible in order to use it back against Christians as his personal Jihad against them. It was during this time that David had a dream about Jesus. In the dream, Jesus told David that he didn't have to die for God because Jesus had already died for him. The person of Jesus Christ changed David from a man full of hatred, to a man full of love. So finally, the emptiness that had tormented David for many years finally left, albeit in a very unexpected way.
One can clearly sense David's passion as you hear him speak. Enjoy this short six minute testimony and be encouraged that nothing is impossible for God.
Surprising faith talk with the bus driver
Mecca! The man we will call Mohammed shivered with excitement. To think he was really here, at the heart of Islam in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of the great Prophet whose name he bore--the dream of a lifetime!
Although Mohammed served as an imam (pastor) at his local mosque on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, he had never before made a pilgrimage to Mecca, as all devout Muslims must do at least once. This first hajj in May 1992 fulfilled Mohammed’s commitment to the fifth and last pillar of Islam. He went full of expectation that this trip would represent the spiritual climax of his life.
On his first day in Mecca, Mohammed signed up for a bus tour of some outlying holy sites. The next morning he arrived early for one of the many regularly scheduled departures, and he sat right behind the bus driver to get a good view out the front window. He was glad the coach did not fill up and seats nearby remained empty.
The bus shifted into gear and headed down the road toward the city of Medina and the shrines they would visit. In Medina the Prophet Muhammad had established his theocratic state after fleeing a murder plot in Mecca in 622 AD. With Medina more than two hundred miles north of Mecca, Mohammed had plenty of time to strike up a conversation with the bus driver.
Above the drone of the engine they exchanged chit-chat, using English as a common language.
"Yes, this is my first hajj," Mohammed told the dark-haired driver whose face framed deep, penetrating eyes. "I’m from Sumatra, a Malay--one of the largest Muslim people groups in Southeast Asia."
The driver swiveled his head sideways enough to see Mohammed. "You know, you really shouldn’t have spent all your money coming here."
Mohammed figured he had misunderstood. He leaned forward to catch the driver’s words. "Excuse me?"
"Coming here on pilgrimage is really a waste of money," the driver repeated unmistakably. "All the rituals seeking to get into Allah’s good graces--when you stop to think about it, Islam is full of hypocrisies."
Stunned, Mohammed could only listen as the man went on to point out issues he had never considered. For over an hour they conversed as the bus rumbled on through the desert.
"The truth is," said the driver, turning to look straight at his passenger, "Allah wants to know you personally, as a friend, not just at a distance through rituals. Islam can’t give you that kind of relationship."
With their destination approaching, the driver slowed and downshifted to park at the site. Everyone disembarked, but Mohammed’s head spun with new, unthinkable thoughts. In a daze he followed the tour group, yet now everything seemed confused.
What did the driver mean? Where did he get such a perspective? How could I possibly run into a person like that in the Holy Land!
After the tour Mohammed hurried back to meet the returning bus, eager to get a seat by the driver and resume their conversation. But when he boarded, he looked up to see the face of someone new. His spirits sank.
"What happened to the earlier driver?" he asked the man behind the wheel.
He got little more than a shrug in response.
Mohammed found a seat and stared out the window. During the trip back to Mecca, his heart burned with the words of the man on the morning bus. He felt he could recall the whole conversation from beginning to end.
Mohammed’s hajj lasted more than a week, but the excitement and anticipation he had brought with him fizzled like air from a leaky tire. Everything he saw and did etched fresh questions and doubts into his mind. As he continued his pilgrimage, he scanned all the buses lined up at each tour site, but never saw his driver again.
Back at home Mohammed’s family wondered why he had not returned bubbling with joy from his spiritual zenith. In the solitude of his thoughts he pored over the events of his hajj. He could not forget the driver’s words or his face. Yet Mohammed’s spirit grappled with perplexities. If Islam is not the true faith, what is?
A few days later Mohammed dropped by the home of a neighbor we will call A-Ching, a Chinese Christian, to borrow something. A-Ching welcomed him inside with customary Indonesian hospitality. As they chatted, Mohammed’s eyes lit on something hanging from A-Chings wall. There within a picture frame he saw the face of his bus driver from Mecca!
Mohammed gasped, pointing to the picture. "A-Ching! Do you know this man?"
"Yes, I do," came the reply. "That’s Jesus. You know Him as Isa."
Mohammed sat still as a stone. Isa! The second-highest prophet in Islam--the Christians Messiah! Could it be--?
When he found his voice, he spoke up quietly. "I have a story to tell you, A-Ching."
His neighbor, just as shocked at the tale, listened in silence. When Mohammed finished, he began to choke up, suddenly overcome with conviction of his sin. A-Ching explained the truths Jesus had declared about His own identity and purpose.
"Mohammed, you can receive salvation as the free gift of God through Jesus Christ," A-Ching told him. "You can have a personal relationship with God."
Mohammed prayed and committed his life to Christ. When he returned home, he gathered his family and spilled out the whole account. Awed at his story and his transformation, they, too, confessed Jesus as Lord and Messiah.
A-Ching introduced Mohammed privately to the pastor of his local fellowship. Then, for their own protection, a network of believers spirited the new convert and his family to a safe house in another city where they could receive biblical teaching without risking retribution from angry Islamists.
Mohammed’s trip to Mecca indeed proved to be the turning point of his spiritual life. But he never expected supernatural revelation to come through his bus driver.
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